
Training for Business

Training for Excellence

Unlike coaching, training teaches professional people new skills while consolidating and updating previous skills and knowledge. My accredited training programmes give professionals the tools they need to take their achievements beyond their current expectations.

In the business world, it’s essential to understand how to develop mental toughness. Creating an armoured defence around your mindset and mental well-being is the foundation needed before we can go out and expand our horizons. This is where we start to step outside our comfort zones and begin to realise our potential.

My training teaches people how to build that Mind Armour then create the tools and self-belief to achieve greatness.

Who do I train?

Everyone in a business can benefit from training. Often, I am just the conduit that creates the atmosphere to share knowledge and experiences for the organisation’s greater benefit.

Typically, I train:
  • Senior leaders
  • Human resource teams
  • Middle leaders
  • Production staff
  • Ancillary staff

Training Programmes

I have a broad range of training courses to suit most business requirements.

Examples of some of my most popular courses are:

Click on the courses below to download more information.

Training for Education

Training for Excellence

Many think training is similar to coaching, but there are significant differences. Coaching involves working alongside someone to help them develop or put into practice a new skill. Training is about teaching them that skill.

As educators, you don’t need me to explain the importance of learning new skills – you’re doing it daily. But certain topics call for specialist teaching. Mental health and well-being are examples of those topics.

My training enhances emotional confidence, resilience and provides a robust and positive mindset for teachers and students alike.

Who do I coach?

I work with staff and students at all education levels – primary & secondary schools, colleges, and universities.

Typically, I coach:
  • Headteachers & NQTs
  • Middle leaders
  • NQT & RQT
  • TA & support staff
  • Pupils, parents & carers

Coaching Programmes

My complete range of training courses covers every aspect of mental health and well-being. Once I understand your specific requirements, I will create a bespoke package for your organisation.

Here are a few examples of the courses I run:

Click on the courses below to download more information.

Mental Health First Aid

What is Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course. It teaches people how to spot mental ill-health signs and symptoms and provide help on a first-aid basis.

In the same way that learning physical first-aid doesn’t make you a medical doctor, mental health first-aid won’t make you a therapist. However, it will teach you how to respond to someone in urgent need of help and give them emergency mental health care.

Who do I train?

I train individuals with an interest in developing awareness of their own mental health, along with companies who want a complete corporate mental health and wellbeing approach such as IBM, Global Travel, Siemens and even the Ministry of the Netherlands!

Coaching Programmes

As an MHFA accredited instructor, I can deliver mental health first courses to adults over 16 years of age. My qualifications are accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health, and I’ve been trained to keep people safe and supported while they learn.

Here are a few examples of the courses I run:

Click on the courses below to download more information.
Contact me now to book a no-obligation, exploratory call.
All my programmes can be delivered via online platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.


An experienced professional who gently gains trust, puts the client at ease, and then uses his expertise to unlock performance potential.
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Website by JForth